
Modern Greek literature in translation 

Documentation and classification of translations of Modern Greek literature 

Project team

Takis Kayalis

Scholarly supervisor of the unit “Modern Greek Literature (information-study-texts)”.

Vassilis Vassileiadis

Coordination, plan for the proposal and description of the database, proofreading and editing of the recorded entries, and electronic editing of the texts presenting translated works of Modern Greek literature according to target language.

Thanasis Mavropoulos and Katerina Tiktopoulou also collaborated on data entry for the database, as well as on editing and entering the accompanying material.

The following individuals worked in the research program to survey, record, classify, and evaluate translations of Modern Greek literature:


Sania Velkova
Research Fellow
Institute for Balkan Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Supervisor of the project team for researching and recording translations into Bulgarian
Ekaterina Kostadinova Trendafilova
Ph.D. Candidate, Modern Greek Philology, University of St. Kliment Ohridsky, Sofia Raia Iordanova Zaimova
Research Fellow
Institute for Balkan Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences


Marc D. Lauxtermann
Professor of Modern Greek
Faculty of Modern Languages, Oxford University
[2002-2006: Department of Modern Greek and Byzantine Studies, Faculty of Humanities, University of Amsterdam]
Supervisor of the project team for researching and recording translations into Dutch
Thijs Dekker
B.A., Modern Greek Philology, University of Amsterdam


Dimitris Kargiotis
Associate Professor
Départment d’Etudes Néo-Helléniques, Université Marc Bloch
Supervisor of the project team for researching and recording translations into French
Eleni Vassileiadou
Associate Professor
Université Marc Bloch
Martine Breuillot
Associate Professor
Départment d’Etudes Néo-Helléniques, Université Marc Bloch


Konstantinos A. Dimadis
Professor of Modern Greek Philology
Freie Universität Berlin
Supervisor of the project team for researching and recording translations into German
Christine Rathenow
B.A., Greek Philology, Ruhr-Universität Bochum


Evripidis Garantoudis
Assistant Professor of Modern Greek Philology
Department of Philology, University of Athens
Supervisor of the project team for researching and recording translations into Italian
Caterina Carpinato
Associate Professor of Modern Greek Language and Literature, University of Venice
Amalia Colonia
Lecturer in Modern Greek Language at the Università degli Studi di Milano


José António Costa Ideias
Professor of Modern Greek Studies
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Lisbon


Elena Lazăr
Classical philologist, translator, and publisher
Supervisor of the project team for researching and recording translations into Rumanian
Valeriu Mardare
Ph.D. Candidate, Modern Greek Philology, University of Iaš


Jovanka Djordjević Jovanović
Research Fellow
Institute for Balkan Studies, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Supervisor of the project team for researching and recording translations into Serbian
Tomislav Jovanović
Professor of Literature
Τμήμα Σερβικής και Νοτιοσλαβικών Λογοτεχνιών του Πανεπιστημίου του Βελιγραδίου
Prvoslav Radić
Assistant Professor of Literature
Department for Serbian and South Slav Literature, University of Belgrade


Vicente Fernández González
Associate Professor of Modern Greek Translation and Interpreting
Supervisor of the project team for researching and recording translations into Spanish
Leandro Garcia Ramirez
Encarnación María Jiménez Martín
Maira Fournari


Damla Demirözü
Lecturer in Modern Greek Philology
Philosophical School, University of Ankara
[Çağdaş Yunan Dili ve Edebiyati Anabilim Dali
Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakűltesi, Ankara Űniversitesi]
Alexandros Petsas
Research Fellow and Professor of Turkish
Institute for Balkan Studies (IMXA)

Takis Kayalis, Scholarly Director of the Division of Language and Literature of the Centre for the Greek Language and Associate Professor of Modern Greek Literature at the Hellenic Open University, had the responsibility for scholarly oversight of the research program.

Vassilis Vassileiadis, research fellow in the Division of Language and Literature of the Centre for the Greek Language, assumed responsibility for the coordination of the project teams, following the progress of the project and editing of the records and accompanying material, establishing guidelines and specifications for research, recording, classification, and evaluation, as well as for systematizing the recording process.

Last Modified: 23 Dec 2009, 10:37