List & Description
Guide of Postgraduate Studies
Postgraduate studies in Modern Greek Literature and the Greek Universities
In this section, information is provided about postgraduate studies (1st and 2nd cycles) offered by Greek universities in Modern Greek Literature.
To create this list, research was conducted for postgraduate programs of study (PGPS) related either directly to the study of Modern Greek literature (e.g., programs offered by the departments of philology or theatre studies) or indirectly, through the broader perspective and view of humanistic studies (education, translating and interpreting, the history of art and ideas, etc.). More specifically, the PGPS of departments belonging to schools of philosophy, humanities, and education in all Greek universities were examined.
The list contains six fields of information: a) degrees awarded for both the 1st and 2nd cycles, b) scholarly and teaching objectives of the program, c) admissions, d) studying at both levels, e) program of study –subject field– thematic areas taught – courses, and f) additional information – contacting the program.
Descriptions of the PGPS are not exhaustive. Only general information is provided regarding admission and study, with particular emphasis on the general or particular curriculum (program of study) and seminars offered by each department. In each case, those interested may link to the relevant websites of each department to request additional information.
The list of PGPS was completed at the beginning of May 2006, and included the latest updates to web pages and recent announcements concerning postgraduate programs.
The content of this section is available only in the Greek version.