
Modern Greek and Continuous Education 

Institutions and Programs available for the teaching of Modern Greek to adults 

Comprehensive Interventions on behalf of disadvantaged groups (Repatriates)

In brief: This is a program of active interventions under the Operational Program “Employment & Professional Training”, addressed to the repatriate population. Its aim is firstly to promote equal opportunity for repatriates by incorporating unemployed repatriates into the labor market, and secondly to assist in their social assimilation by including them in active employment policies, according to their individual needs.

Target group: 1500 unemployed men and women 16 years or older belonging to the socially disadvantaged group of repatriates have the right to participate in Comprehensive Intervention Projects

Content-Programs of Study

Each Comprehensive Intervention Project includes Training Activities operated by certified Vocational Training Centres (KEK), and Supplementary Support Services (SYY), operated by the bodies providing Social Support Services (F.P.S.Y.Y.)

Training Activities are divided into two stages:

The first stage aims to prepare the individual to join the labor market and to assist the unemployed in everyday communications skills. It includes:

  • Writing, reading, using numbers, learning professional terminology
  • Developing social skills and preparing to join the educational system and workforce

The second stage of training aims to provide professional knowledge in order to assist the beneficiaries to join the local job market.

For further information, see: http://www.prosonolotahos.gr/default.asp?pid=7〈=1&pageID=42&sttl=3&scatID=6

Last Modified: 07 Jan 2025, 10:33