
Modern Greek and Continuous Education 

Institutions and Programs available for the teaching of Modern Greek to adults 

Education and Counseling Services for the Families of Gypsies, Repatriates and Immigrants

In brief: This is a self-contained program operated by the General Secretariat of Continuous Learning that falls under the EPEAEK II of the Ministry of National Education and Religions (YPEPTH). The objective of the program is to develop language proficiency in the parents of students, so that they may provide support and assistance to their children in their schoolwork and educational responsibilities.

Target group: The educational-training program is addressed to the parents of socially disadvantaged population groups of Roms, Muslims, Repatriates and Immigrants. Specifically, it is targeted to parents with pre-school or school-age children.

Operation-Program of Studies

The program is still in the design stage. The educational segment (Greek language) will operate within the infrastructure of the KEE, while the counseling segment will operate under the aegis of the “Schools for Parents.” It is estimated that it will include 475 sections training 7,000 parents. Operation will begin in September 2006.

For further information, see: http://www.gsae.edu.gr/index.php/tmp

Last Modified: 07 Jan 2025, 10:33