Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) 

Proceedings of a one-day international conference (1999) 



Computers and writing in French secondary schools

François Mangenot
Université Stendhal- Grenoble 3


Although this is not the only objective of mother tongue teaching in France, learning how to write is considered as fundamental. This paper will therefore concentrate on the theme " Computers and writing " and leave aside the use of software for improving (or testing) reading, for learning grammar or for studying literature.

1. Computers and writing in French secondary schools: an overview

1.1 Review of present practice

The word processor is by far the most used tool. Some specific writing software has also been introduced.

1.2 Weaknesses

Very few teachers manage to link formal knowledge, like grammar and vocabulary, with the practical knowledge of writing. The link between reading and writing is also often neglected. This tendency is encouraged by the separation between educational software like grammar drills or reading software, and professional software like word processors that do not include any writing aids. Also too little attention is drawn to peer interaction. Finally, most teachers encounter difficulties in integrating into their curriculum the work done in the computer room.

2. Some answers

The availability of computers otherwise than once a week in a special room is an important aspect.

Another possibility is using " writing environments ", a kind of software which on the one hand contains some texts, activities and writing aids, and on the other hand allows teachers to easily add new activities which fit into their curriculum. Gammes d'écriture is such an environment.

3. Experimenting Gammes d'écriture in secondary schools

The results observed so far show that the weakest students are those who derive the greatest profit from such software. Peer interaction, when presented with a precise writing task, often produces interesting metalinguistic performances.

Last Modified: 10 Jul 2008, 11:44