Dictionary Georgakas
Greek-English Dictionary Georgakas
Reference Literature
- A. Ancient, Medieval and Postmedieval Authors and Works
- B. Dictionaries
- C. Editions and Publications
- D. General Bibliography
- E. Periodicals
A. Ancient, Medieval and Postmedieval Authors and Works
Acacius Caesariensis = Acacius Caesariensis, 4th c. |
Acta = Acta Apostolorum Apocrypha |
Acta Joann. = Acta Joannis Baptistae, 5th c. |
Ael. Dion. = Aelius Dionysius, 2nd c. |
Aeschin. = Aeschines, 4th c. BC |
Aeschyl. = Aeschylus, 6th-5th c. BC |
Aesop. = Aesopus, 6th c. BC |
Aetius = Aetius, 6th c. |
Agatharchides = Agatharchides, 2nd c. BC |
Akol. Spanou = Akolouthia Spanou, 13th-14th c. |
Alciphron = Alciphron, 4th c. |
Alex. Aphrod. = Alexander Aphrodisiensis, 3rd c. |
Alex. Trall. = Alexander Trallianus, 6th c. |
Ammonius Alex. = Ammonius Alexandrinus, 5th-6th c. |
Andreas of Crete =Andreas Cretensis, 8th c. |
Anna Comn. = Anna Comnena, 11th-12th c. |
Anth. P. = Anthologia Palatina |
Anth. Pl. = Anthologia Planudea |
Antipater = Antipater Tarsensis, 2nd c. BC |
Antiph. = Antiphanes, 4th c. BC |
Antipho soph. = Antipho sophistes, 5th c. BC |
Antyllus = Antyllus, 2nd c. |
Ap. Rh. = Apollonius Rhodius, 3rd c. BC |
Apoll. Dysc. = Apollonius Dyscolus, 2nd c. |
Apoll. Perg. = Apollonius Pergaeus, 3rd c. |
Apollod. Damasc. = Apollodorus Damascenus, 2nd c. |
Apollod. stoic. = Apollodorus Seleuciensis stoicus, 2nd c. BC |
Apophth. Patr. = Apophthegmata Patrum |
Archigenes = Archigenes, 2nd c. |
Archilochus = Archilochus, 7th c. BC |
Archim. = Archimedes, 3rd c. BC |
Aretaeus = Aretaeus, 2nd c. |
Aristoph. = Aristophanes, 5th-4th c. BC |
Aristot. = Aristoteles, 4th c. BC |
Arrian. = Arrianus, 2nd c. |
Arsenios archb. = Arsenios archbishop, 15th-16th c. |
Artemidorus oneirocr. = Artemidorus Daldianus oneirocriticus, 2nd c. |
Asclepiodotus tact. = Asclepiodotus tacticus, 1st c. BC |
Aspasius = Aspasius, 2nd c. |
Athan. Alex. = Athanasius Alexandrinus, 4th c. BC |
Athenaeus = Athenaeus, 2nd-3rd c. |
Attaliates = Michael Attaliates, 11th c. |
Barsanuphius = Barsanuphius et Johannes, 6th c. |
Basil. = Basileios Caesariensis, 4th c. |
Batrachom. = Batrachomyomachia, 2nd/1st c. BC |
Bergadis Apok. = Bergadis Apokopos, 16th c. |
Caelius Aur. = Caelius Aurelianus, 5th c. |
Caesarius Naz.= Caesarius Nazianzenus, 4th c. |
Callimachus = Callimachus, 3rd c. BC |
Callinicus = Callinicus monachus, 5th c. |
Cat. Cod. Astr. = Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum |
Celsus = Celsus, 2nd c. |
Chariton = Chariton, before 1st c. |
Choumnos = Georgios Choumnos, 15th c. |
Chron. Mor. = Chronicon Moreos, 14th c. |
Chron. Pasch. = Chronicon Paschale, 7th c. |
Chrysipp. = Chrysippus, 3rd c. BC |
Clemens = Clemens Alexandrinus, 2nd-3rd c. |
Clemens Romanus = Clemens Romanus, 1st c. |
CManasses = Constantinos Manasses, 12th c. |
Cod. Justin. = Codex Justinianus, 4th-6th c. |
Const. Porphyrog. = Constantinos Porphyrogenitus, 10th c. |
Cornutus = Cornutus, 1st c. |
Corpus Herm. = Corpus Hermeticum |
Crantor = Crantor, 4th-3rd c. BC |
Cyranides = Cyranides, 1st/2nd c. |
Damascius = Damascius, 5th c. |
David = David, 6th c. |
Demosth. = Demosthenes, 4th c. BC |
Didymus = Didymus, 1st c. BC |
Digenis = Digenis Akritas, 11th c. |
Dio Cass. = Cassius Dio, 2nd-3rd c. |
Diod. Sic. = Diodorus Siculus, 1st c. BC |
Diog. Cyn. = Diogenes Cynicus, 4th c. BC |
Dion. Areop. = Dionysius Areopagites, 5th c. |
Dion. Halic. = Dionysius Halicarnassensis, 1st c. BC |
Dion. Thrax = Dionysius Thrax, 2nd c. BC |
Dositheus gram. = Dositheus grammaticus, 4th c. |
Doucas = Doucas, 15th c. |
Ed. Diocl. = Edictum Diocletiani |
Empedocles = Empedocles, 5th c. BC |
Ephraem Syr. = Ephraem Syrius, 4th c. ? |
Epicur. = Epicurus, 4th-3rd BC |
Epiphan. = Epiphanius, 4th c. |
Epistula ad Diogn. = Epistula ad Diognetum, 2nd c. |
Erotianus = Erotianus, 1st c. |
Erotokr. = Erotokritos, 17th c. |
Euclid. = Euclides, 3rd c. BC |
Eug. Vulgaris = Eugenios Vulgaris, 1716-1806 |
Eunapius = Eunapius, 4th-5th c. |
Eupolis = Eupolis, 5th c. BC |
Eurip. = Euripides, 5th c. BC |
Euseb. Caes. = Eusebius Caesariensis, 4th c. |
Euseb. Nicom. = Eusebius Nicomediensis, 3rd-4th c. |
Eustathius = Eustathius, 12th c. |
Eustratius philos. = Eustratius philosophus, 11th-12th c. |
Galen = Galen, 2nd c. |
Geopon. = Geoponica, 10th c. |
Georgilas Velisar. = Georgilas Velisarios, 15th c. |
GPisides = Georgios Pisides, 7th c. |
Greg. Magnus = Gregorius I Papa (Magnus), 6th-7th c. |
Greg. Naz. = Gregorius Nazianzenus, 4th c. |
Greg. Nyss. = Gregorius Nyssenus, 4th c. |
Hecataeus Abder. = Hecataeus Abderita, 3rd c. BC |
Heliodor. = Heliodorus, 3rd c. |
Hephaestio astrol. = Hephaestio astrologus, 4th c. |
Hermas = Hermas, 2nd c. |
Hermias = Hermias, 3rd c. |
Hermogenes = Hermogenes, 3rd c. |
Hero = Hero, 2nd/1st c. BC |
Herodian. gramm. = Herodianus grammaticus, 2nd c. |
Herodot. = Herodotus, 5th c. BC |
Herodotus med. = Herodotus medicus, 1st c. |
Hesiod = Hesiod, 8th/7th c. BC |
Hesychius Hierosolym. = Hesychius Hierosolymitanus, 8th c. |
Hesychius Sinait. = Hesychius Sinaiticus, 6th-7th c. |
Hieronymus Strid. = Hieronymus Stridonensis, 4th-5th c. |
Hippiatrica = Hippiatrica, 9th c. |
Hippocr. = Hippocrates, 5th-4th c. BC |
Hippol. = Hippolytus, 3rd c. |
Homer = Homer, 8th c. BC |
Hyperides = Hyperides, 4th c. BC |
Iambl. = Iamblichus, 2nd c. |
Isaeus = Isaeus, 5th-4th c. BC |
Isid. Hispal. = Isidorus Hispalensis, 6th-7th c. |
Isid. Pelus. = Isidorus Pelusiota, 4th-5th c. |
Jo. Chrysost. = Joannes Chrysostomus, 4th c. |
Jo. Damascenus = Joannes Damascenus, 8th c. |
Jo. Lydus = Joannes Lydus, 6th c. |
Jo. Moschus = Joannes Moschus, 6th-7th c. |
Julian. = Julianus, 4th c. |
Just. = Justinianus imperator, 6th c. |
Justinus martyr = Justinus martyr, 2nd c. |
Kallimachos = Kallimachos and Chrysorrhoe, 14th c. |
Katzourbos = Katzourbos, 16th c. |
A. Korais = Adamantios Korais, 1748-1833 |
K. Koumas = Konstantinos Koumas, 1777-1836 |
Leonidas = Leonidas, 4th-3rd c. BC |
Livistros = Livistros and Rodamne, 14th c. |
LNotaras = Loukas Notaras, 15th c. |
Longin. = Cassius Longinus, 3rd c. |
Lucian = Lucian, 2nd c. |
LXX = Septuagint |
Machairas = Leontios Machairas, 15th c. |
Makremvolitis = Alexios Makremvolitis, 14th c. |
Malalas = Joannes Malalas, 5th-6th c. |
Manetho astrol. = Manetho astrologus, 4th c. |
Martianus Capella gramm. = Martianus Capella grammaticus, 5th c. |
Maximus Conf. = Maximus Confessor, 6th-7th c. |
Maximus Tyr. = Maximus Tyrius, 2nd c. |
Menander = Menander, 4th/3rd c. BC |
Menander prot. = Menander protector, 6th c. |
Menander rhetor = Menander rhetor, 3rd/4th c. |
Methodius = Methodius, 3rd-4th c. |
Moschus = Moschus, 2nd c. BC |
M. Philes = Manuel Philes, 14th c. |
Nectar. Con/polit. = Nectarius Constantinopolitanus, 5th c. |
Nicander = Nicander, 3rd/2nd c. BC |
Nic. Choniates = Nicetas Choniates, 12th-13th c. |
Niceph. Blem. = Nicephorus Blemmydes, 12th-13th c. |
Niceph. Uranus = Nicephorus Uranus, 10th c. |
Nicol. Damasc. = Nicolaus Damascenus, 1st c. BC-1st c. AD |
Nicomachus Geras. = Nicomachus Gerasenus, 2nd c. |
Nigidius Figulus = Nigidius Figulus, 1st c. BC |
Nonnus = Nonnus, 5th/6th c. |
NT = New Testament |
Ocellus Luc. = Ocellus Lucanus, 1st c. BC |
Olympiodorus Alex. = Olympiodorus Alexandrinus, 6th c. |
Onosander = Onosander, 1st c. |
Oppian. = Oppianus, 2nd-3rd c. |
Orac. Sibyll. = Oracula Sibyllina, 2nd c. BC-4th c. AD |
Oribas. = Oribasius, 4th c. |
Orig. = Origenes, 2nd-3rd c. |
OT = Old Testament |
Palchus = Palchus, 5th/6th c. |
Palladius mon. = Palladius monachus, 5th c. |
Parod. = Parodica Anonyma |
Paul. = Paulus, 1st c. |
Paul. Aeg. = Paulus Aeginites, 7th c. |
Pausan. = Pausanias, 2nd c. |
Pherecr. = Pherecrates, 5th c. BC |
Pherecydes = Pherecydes, 5th c. BC |
Philo = Philo Judaeus, 1st c. BC-1st c. AD |
Philodem. = Philodemus, 1st c. BC |
Philoponus = Johannes Philoponus, 6th c. |
Philumenos = Philumenos, 2nd c. |
Photius = Photius, 9th c. |
Phrynichus = Phrynichus, 2nd c. |
Pindar = Pindar, 6th-5th c. BC |
Plato = Plato, 5th-4th c. BC |
Plato com. = Plato comicus, 5th-4th c. BC |
Pliny = Pliny, 1st c. |
Plotin. = Plotinus, 3rd c. |
Plut. = Plutarchus, 1st-2nd c. |
Pollux = Pollux, 2nd c. |
Polyb. = Polybius, 3rd-2nd c. BC |
Poulol. = Poulologos, 13th c. |
Pratin. = Pratinas, 6th-5th c. BC |
Priscian. gramm. = Priscianus grammaticus, 6th c. |
Proclus philos. = Proclus philosophus, 5th c. |
Procop. = Procopius, 6th c. |
Prodr. = Prodromus, 11th-12th c. |
Psellos = Michael Psellos, 11th c. |
Ptocholeon = Ptocholeon, 14th c. |
Ptol. Euerg. = Ptolemaeus Euergetes, 3rd c. BC |
Quintilianus = Quintilianus, 1st c. |
Rufus = Rufus, 2nd c. |
Sachlikis = Sachlikis, 15th-16th c. |
Sappho = Sappho, 7th-6th c. BC |
Schol. Aesch. = Scholia in Aeschylum |
Schol. Aristoph. = Scholia in Aristophanem |
Schol. Hom. = Scholia in Homerum |
Schol. Nicand. = Scholia in Nicandrum |
Schol. Oppian. = Scholia in Oppianum |
Schol. Pind. = Scholia in Pindarum |
Schol. Theocr. = Scholia in Theocritum |
Schol. Thuc. = Scholia in Thucydidem |
Septuagint s. LXX |
Severus med. = Severus medicus, 4th c. |
Sext. Empir. = Sextus Empiricus, 2nd c. |
Sfrantsis Chron. = Sfrantsis Chronicon, 15th c. |
Simon. = Simonides, 6th-5th c. BC |
Simplicius = Simplicius, 6th c. |
Soph. = Sophocles, 5th c. BC |
Soranus = Soranus, 2nd c. |
Sosipater = Sosipater, 3rd c. BC |
Spaneas = Spaneas, 12th c. |
Stephanus Byz. = Stephanus Byzantius, 6th c. |
Strabo = Strabo, 1st c. BC-1st c. AD |
Strato = Strato, 2nd c. |
Symmachus = Symmachus, 2nd-3rd c. |
Synesius = Synesius, 4th c. |
Syrianus = Syrianus, 5th c. |
Teleclides = Teleclides, 5th c. BC |
Terentius = Terentius Scaurus, 2nd c. |
Tertullianus = Tertullianus, 2nd-3rd c. |
Teucer = Teucer, 1st c. BC |
Th. Abraam = Thisia Abraam, 17th c. |
Themistius = Themistius, 4th c. |
Theo Alex. = Theo Alexandrinus, 4th c. |
Theodoretus = Theodoretus, 4th-5th c. |
Theod. Stud. = Theodorus Studites, 8th-9th c. |
Theognis = Theognis, 6th c. BC |
Theognostus = Theognostus, 9th c. |
Theon Smyrn. = Theon Smyrnaeus, 2nd c. |
Theoph. = Theophanes confessor, 8th-9th c. |
Theoph. cont. = Theophanes continuatus, 10th c. |
Theophr. = Theophrastus, 4th-3rd c. BC |
Theophyl. Sim. = Theophylactus Simocatta, 7th c. |
Threnos C/ple = Threnos of Constantinople |
Thuc. = Thucydides, 5th c. BC |
Tryphiodorus = Tryphiodorus, 5th c. |
Tzanes = Tzanes, 17th c. |
Tzetzes = Tzetzes, 12th c. |
Vett. Valens = Vettius Valens, 2nd c. |
Vit. Aesop. = Vitae Aesopi, 1st c. |
Xenarchus = Xenarchus, 4th c. BC |
Xenoph. = Xenophon, 5th-4th c. BC |
Zonaras = Zonaras, 11th-12th c. |
Zosim. alchem. = Zosimus alchemistes, 4th c. |
B. Dictionaries
- Bauer = W. Bauer, Griechisch-deutsches Wörterbuch zu den Schriften des Neuen Testaments und der übrigen urchristlichen Literatur, Berlin51958.
- Buck's Reverse = C.D. Buck & W. Petersen, A Reverse Index of Greek Nouns and Adjectives, Chicago 1944.
- Chantraine = P. Chantraine, Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque, Paris 1968-1980.
- Dimitrakos = Δ. Δημητράκος, Μέγα Λεξικόν όλης της ελληνικής γλώσσης, Athens 1933-1950.
- Du Cange = Carolus du Fresne du Cange, Glossarium ad scriptores mediae et infimae Graecitatis, in quo graeca vocabula novatae significationis explicantur, Lugduni 1688. (Reimpression of the College de France, Paris 1943).
- Et. M. = Etymologicum Magnum, ed. T. Gaisford, Oxford 1848.
- Ger. Vlachos = Γ. Βλάχος, Θησαυρός της εγκυκλοπαιδικής βάσεως τετράγλωσσος μετά τε των επιθέτων εκλογής και διττού των λατινικών τε και ιταλικών λέξεων πίνακος εκ διαφόρων παλαιών τε και νεωτέρων λεξικών συλλεχθείς παρά Γερασίμου Βλάχου του Κρητός, Venice 1659.
- Hesych. = Hesychii Alexandrini Lexicon, ed. K. Latte, Copenhagen 1953-1966.
- ΙΛ = Ακαδημία Αθηνών, Λεξικόν της ελληνικής γλώσσης. Α΄ : Ιστορικόν Λεξικόν της νέας ελληνικής, Athens 1933-1953.
- Koumanoudis, Συναγ. = Στ. Κουμανούδης, Συναγωγή νέων λέξεων υπό των λογίων πλασθεισών από της αλώσεως μέχρι των καθ' ημάς χρόνων, Athens 1900.
- Kriaras' Lex = Εμμανουήλ Κριαρά, Λεξικό της Μεσαιωνικής Ελληνικής Δημώδους Γραμματείας 1100-1669, I-XIV, Thessaloniki 1968-.
- Lampe Lex. = G.W.H. Lampe, A Patristic Greek Lexicon, Oxford 1961.
- LSJ = H.G. Liddell & R. Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon. A New Edition revised and augmented throughout by Sir H. Stuart Jones, Oxford 1961.
- Meursius = J. Meursius, Glossarium graecobarbarum, in quo praeter vocabula quinque millia quadrigenta, officia atque dignitates imperii Constantinop. tam in palatio, quam ecclesia aut militia explicantur et illustrantur, Lugduni Batavorum2 1614.
- Photius = Φώτιος, Λέξεων συναγωγή, ed. S.A. Naber, Leiden 1864-1865.
- Proia's Lex = "Πρωΐας" Λεξικόν της ελληνικής γλώσσης συνταχθέν υπό επιτροπής φιλολόγων και επιστημόνων, Athens 1933.
- Skarlatos = Σκαρλάτου Δ. Βυζαντίου, Λεξικόν αρχαίας ελληνικής γλώσσης και καθαρευούσης, I-II, Athens 1839.
- Somavera = Alessio da Somavera, Θησαυρός της Ρωμαϊκής και της φράγκικης γλώσσας, Parisiis 1709.
- Sophocles' Lex = E.A. Sophocles, Greek Lexicon of the Roman and Byzantine Periods from B. C. 146 to A.D. 1100, New York 1887.
- Souda = Suidae Lexicon, ed. A. Adler, Leipzig 1928-1938.
- Thes Graec Ling = Θησαυρόςτηςελληνικήςγλώσσης. Thesaurus graecae linguae ab H. Stephano constructus, post editionem anglicam novis additamentis auctum ordineque alphabetico digestum tertio ediderunt C. B. Hase, G. Dindorfius et L. Dindorfius, Parisiis 1865.
C. Editions and Publications
- Bekker Anecd. Gr = Anecdota Graeca, ed. I. Bekker, I-III, Berlin 1814-1821.
- CGL = Corpus glossariorum latinorum, Leipzig 1903.
- IG = Inscriptiones Graecae, various eds., I-XIV, 1873-.
- IG Rom. = Inscriptiones Graecae ad res Romanas pertinentes, ed. R. Cagnat et alii, Paris 1911-1927.
- PG = Patrologiae cursus completus, omnium SS. Patrum, Doctorum Scriptorumque ecclesiasticorum. Series Graeca, ed. J.-P. Migne, Paris 1857-1866.
- PL = Patrologiae cursus completus. Series Latina, ed. J.-P. Migne, Paris 1844-1855.
- PSI = Papiri greci e latini. Pubblicazioni della Societa italiana per la ricerca dei papiri greci e latini in Egitto, Florence 1912.
D. General Bibliography
- Amantos, Γλωσσ. μελετήματα = Κ. Άμαντος, Γλωσσικάμελετήματα, Athens 1964.
- Buck = C.D. Buck, The Greek Dialects, Chicago 1955.
- Constantinidis - Bouvier = Poètes contemporains de Salonique, ed. Y. Constantinidis and B. Bouvier, Geneva 1962.
- Delatte = Anecdota Atheniensia et alia, ed. A. Delatte, I-II, Liege-Paris 1927-1939.
- Hatzid., ΜΝΕ = Γ. Χατζιδάκις, Μεσαιωνικάκαινέαελληνικά, Ι-ΙΙ, Athens 1905-1907.
- Hilgard = Scholia in Dionysii Tracis Artem grammaticam, ed. A. Hilgard, Leipzig 1901.
- Kalitsunakis = J. Kalitsunakis, Mittel- und neugriechische Erklärungen bei Eustathius, Berlin 1919.
- Koukoules, ΒΒΠ = Φ. Κουκουλές, Βυζαντινών βίος και πολιτισμός, Athens 1948-1955.
- Kretschmer = P. Kretschmer, Einleitung in die Geschichte der griechischen Sprache, Göttingen 1896.
- Kugeas, Notizbuch = S. Kugeas, "Notizbuch eines Beamten der Metropolis in Thessalonike", BZ 23 (1920) 143-163.
- Portius = Σίμων Πόρτιος, Γραμματική της Ρωμαίικης γλώσσας, Parisiis 1638.
- Schwyzer, Gr. Gr. = E. Schwyzer, Griechische Grammatik, I-II, Munich 1934.
- Tietze = H. and R. Kahane - A. Tietze, The Lingua Franca in the Levant. Turkish Nautical Terms of Italian and Greek Origin, Urbana 1958.
E. Periodicals
- Aθηνά
- Eπετηρίς Eταιρείας Bυζαντινών Σπουδών (EEBΣ)
- Kρητικά Xρονικά
- Kρητική Eστία
- Λαογραφία
- Λεξικογραφικόν Aρχείον (Λεξικογρ. Aρχ.)
- Λεξικογραφικόν Δελτίον (ΛΔ)
- Πανδώρα
Last Modified: 07 Jan 2025, 10:33