
Μελέτες για την Αρχαία Μακεδονία

Προς τη γένεση των πόλεων

Εκδότης: Δημήτριος Β. Γραμμένος

Other finds

Among the most common finds in this phase, as in every other at Assiros, were the ubiquitous clay spindle whorls, mostly biconical and without decoration. Sherd discs were also frequent and many have served a similar function. Apart from the group of reused handles found in the lower level of the northern building only a few loomweight fragments were found. There were fragments of stone pot lids, although only one was a much as 50% complete, together with a few examples of stone tools, such as axes, whetstones and chipped chert blades, which are probably residual. There were a number of items of utilised stone but only a few fragments of quernstones. Antler handles as well as broken bone tools were found including several robust awls but bone from these superficial levels was much less common than in previous phases.

This range of finds is similar to that found in earlier Iron Age levels at Assiros and published sites such as Vardaroftsa (Axiochori)[68] and Kastanas[69]. It seems consistent with ʻdomesticʼ activities, but has nothing in common with the range which might be expected at a sanctuary of this period. The only unusual items are the bronze pin which is difficult to parallel, and the stone ʻpottersʼ wheel and fragments of kiln floor, (if correctly identified). As often, however, no trace of either the kiln or the atelier has been found. Good clay is available locally but wheel-made pottery (the grey ware described above) was only made in very limited quantities during the Iron Age.


68 See fn. 61

69 A. Hochstetter, Kastanas IV: Die Kleinfunde, (Prähistorische Archäologie in Südosteuropa 6).